Peripheral Artery Disease

PAD is a common but serious condition

If you have pain, cramping, numbness or discoloration of your legs and feet, don’t discount it as just another normal sign of aging. In fact, you could have symptoms of Peripheral Artery Disease, or PAD, a common circulatory disease that affects 8 million Americans and can quickly become severe if left untreated.

Abrazo Arizona Heart Hospital physicians are experienced at treating PAD, which occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries of your legs and feet, blocking the normal flow of blood. As a PAD patient in our Peripheral Vascular Disease Institute, you will have access to not only traditional treatments but also the most advanced, innovative procedures.

How do I know if I have PAD?

Peripheral Artery Disease is a common yet under-diagnosed condition that causes a variety of symptoms in the legs and feet, including:

Pain that occurs when walking or exercising but disappears when you stop the activity

  • Leg muscle fatigue
  • Leg cramping
  • Coldness or numbness in the lower legs and feet
  • Foot or toe pain at rest that often disturbs sleep
  • Wounds on the feet or toes that are slow to heal

If you have any of those symptoms, it is time to get evaluated for PAD. It is especially important if you are also a smoker, have diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, a personal history of heart disease or stroke, or you are over age 65.

Option for PAD treatment: Lumivascular atherectomy system

Avinger VR doctor

An option may be the new Avinger’s Pantheris™ lumivascular atherectomy system that is used to remove the plaque in one minimally invasive procedure. Abrazo Arizona Heart Hospital is proud to be among the first hospitals in the United States to embrace the use of this device, which may help restore the blood flow to your legs and feet while also reducing the need for future follow-up procedures and stents.

Getting the experienced, compassionate care you need

Once you have a diagnosis, your team of highly specialized physicians at Abrazo Arizona Heart Hospital will help create a personalized treatment plan for you that may include anything from simple lifestyle changes and medication to a variety of possible procedures, such as angioplasty, atherectomy, and/or a stent, aimed at improving the blood flow to your legs and feet.

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