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Better Together Food Combos

Feb 8, 2023

When it comes to food combinations, some pairings are just meant to be. Together, they bring out the best in each other. Most popular food pairings, though, are high in sugars and saturated fat that can wreak havoc on your heart or cause unwanted weight gain when eaten regularly.

You don't have to give up your cravings to be healthy. With some slight modifications, you can turn your terrible go-to food combination into a tasty meal that's good for your heart. Here are five easy swap ideas to make your favorite traditional food pairing healthier.

burgers and fries
Traditional Food Combo: Burgers and Fries
Healthier Swap: Turkey Sliders with Avocado, Mushrooms and Swiss Cheese and Oven-Baked Sweet Potato Chips
bacon and eggs
Traditional Food Combo: Bacon and Eggs
Healthier Swap: Turkey Bacon and Spinach Quiche with Sweet Potato
popcorn and chocolate bars
Traditional Food Combo: Flavored Popcorn and Chocolate Bars
Healthier Swap: Caramel Kettle Popcorn and Heart-Healthy Hot Chocolate
pizza and salad
Traditional Food Combo: Pizza and Salad
Healthier Swap: Classic Margherita Pizza with Whole-Wheat Pizza Crust and Creamy Caesar Salad
ice cream and cake
Traditional Food Combo: Ice Cream and Cake
Healthier Swap: Guilt-Free Fudge Brownies

American Heart Association

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